Wednesday, October 18, 2006

+damn the exams!!!!+

argh!!!!! Iwish there were no such things as exams!!!!! I totally can't wait for the exams to be over. Why were they even invented??!! Just because they(my parents) were good students doesn't mean I have to be topping the class all the time like my sister!! I'm not that dumb lo. Keep on treating me like an idiot. I am so not an idiot lor!!!! I wish i could tell them to shut up but obviously I can't or I wouldn't be venting my anger here lo.


[[ Fallen Angel ]]*|7:17 AM|

Saturday, September 23, 2006

+parents are totally idiots+

argh!!!!All day my parents only know how to tell me to study study study. How to live lo. Can't even use the cpt lo. Even now I using without permission. Feel like kicking my sister. She scream for me to get off the cpt and inform my mom indirectly that I am online. This blogskin is kinda bloody but...... still cool :D The feathers in blood is a bit creepy but who effing cares lo.

[[ Fallen Angel ]]*|8:04 AM|

[[ The Fallen Angel ]]

Bdae:10 Jan
Nicks:...not tellin(cos its embarressing)

[[ My Adores ]]

Food:candy floss
Pastimes:talking and reading
People:...wad the hell

[[ My Detests ]]

People:guzheng teacher, form teacher and all backstabbers
Things: guzhengs, brothers and pink skirts
Food: vegetables

[[ Music's Playing ]]

[[ My History ]]

|September 2006|October 2006

[[ The Conversations ]]

Insert tagboard here : suitable width is 205

[[ My Friends ]]

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[[ Credits ]]

|Ev0nE's World Of Emptyness|
|Ev0nE's Fairyland|
|Ev0nE's Tutorials|